The Cool 23rd
(Recorded live 10-30-88)

Credits Notes


Want lyrics? Look it up!


Music: Tim Neblung
Lyrics: King David


Tim originally showed me this song. It was a nifty jazz arrangement of the 23rd Psalm which the band "Destination" played. While I was in the band, we practiced it a few times, but we never actually got to perform it. And then the band broke up, and that was that.

Until a few years later, that is. I got a few friends together, including Bruce Leavitt on piano, and I borrowed the church music director's drum machine. We performed this song on a Sunday evening when the church was doing a "talent night" (where various church members come up and perform their favorite songs).

Just before we did our song, Jim Altaizer , the music director, read the 23rd Psalm to the audience as an introduction to us. For an instant, I thought to myself,
"Oh great! Now Jim's given away the whole song!" Then I remembered that everyone already knew the 23rd Psalm anyway. So it didn't matter. Silly me.

That's why, at the beginning, you hear me saying,
"You stole the words to my song, Jim!" But I guess they're not really my words.