Cast & Crew

Tim Jeghers

Tim Jeghers was raised by wolves after an outbreak of the plague ravaged the village he lived in.  But life in the jungle wasn't enough for him so he moved to Hollywood where he failed as an actor and turned to drugs.  When he came out of rehab he moved to San Jose and began filming with newfound friends.

Status: Actor / Editor / Filmer

Jeff Funston

The 411 on this mug is that he grew up on a farm in Kentucky.  After the chupacabras ate his flock and burned down his shack him and his brother (Allen Anthony Funston the 2nd) moved to San Jose and the rest is history.

Status: Actor / Filmer

Chris Forbes

After hitting the top of the charts as a rapper under the name "Lil Entrée" Chris Forbes became a frequent user of methamphatamines and eventually was apprehended by the police and put into rehab.  This is where he met Tim and left to San Jose with him to pursue film making.

Status: Actor / Filmer

Tony Funston

Young Anthony was a rancher on the farm with Jeffrey.  And when the farm was burned down he left to pursue other carrers with his brother.  These two brothers probably wouldn't have met up with Tim if not for a bake sale Tony and Tim both participated in.

Status: Actor / Editor / Filmer

Austin McQuay

One night during a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese Austin McQuay's parents left without him.  So  for the rest of his childhood he lived off of whatever was in the dumpster out back.  8 years later he was kicked out for playing too rough and on his way out he hooked up with us while we were filming.

Status: Actor / Editor / Filmer

Brady Fischer

This playa got brought into the film scene when his biological father (Cody Creighton) said we could use him as an extra in our depiction of the timeless classic "Roots" He played the part of Kunta Keinte.

Status: Actor / Filmer

Cody Creighton

If it weren't for Cody we would have nothing.  He's been our support through all the hard times we've gone through from Brady's temper tantrums to Jeff's bedwetting.  It's definitely safe to say Cody is the foundation and emotional support of this crew.

Status: Actor / Filmer

Michael Dennis

Michael Dennis is one of the most important members of the S.C.M.F.F. crew.  Without him we wouldn't have anyone to push around in our movies, or anyone to laugh at because he's so mentally challenged.

Status: Actor / Filmer

Josh Noble

Josh Noble has a long and un-interesting story on how he came to join the S.C.M.F.F. crew.  So I won't tell it.

Status: Actor / Filmer

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